Welcome to the resource page. Our goal is to offer a research database for urban research, particularly as it pertains to Christian engagement of the city. The resources come from a variety of perspectives and disciplines and do not necessarily reflect the views/positions of Radius Global Cities Network. When a source is available freely online we make the PDF available to you. For other sources we offer a link for you to purchase the resource for yourself. If you have specific inquiries, you can contact us.
“Barnabas: The Making of a Missionary Church” in Apostles to the City
More InfoAuthor: Roger S. Greenway
This book challenges the church to provide an effective, biblical urban apostolate. Vitally needed in our day, it conveys a sense of urgency, for never has it been more true that he who wins the city wins the world.
Chapter 4: Barnabas: The Making of a Missionary Church
“Case Studies and Top Ten Tips to Exegete a Culture” in Neighborhood Mapping
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“Effective Evangelism” in the City: Donald McGavran’s Missiology and Urban Contexts
More InfoAuthor: Jeffrey Kirk Walters, Sr.
This dissertation examines the missiology of Donald A. McGavran as it applies in urban contexts. Alongside the study of urban missions is an outline of the rise of Donald McGavran’s church growth thought through the twentieth century, including the rise and decline of the Church Growth Movement’s missiological emphasis.
“Introduction” in Apostles to the City
More InfoAuthor: Roger S. Greenway
This book challenges the church to provide an effective, biblical urban apostolate. Vitally needed in our day, it conveys a sense of urgency, for never has it been more true that he who wins the city wins the world.
Foreward and Introduction to Apostles to the City
“Jeremiah” in Apostles to the City
More InfoAuthor: Roger S. Greenway
This book challenges the church to provide an effective, biblical urban apostolate. Vitally needed in our day, it conveys a sense of urgency, for never has it been more true that he who wins the city wins the world.
Chapter 2: Jeremiah: How to Be a City Saint
“Jonah: Hope for Doomed Cities” in Apostles to the City
More InfoAuthor: Roger S. Greenway
This book challenges the church to provide an effective, biblical urban apostolate. Vitally needed in our day, it conveys a sense of urgency, for never has it been more true that he who wins the city wins the world.
Chapter 1: Jonah: Hope for Doomed Cities
“Nehemiah: The Secret of Urban Renewal” in Apostles to the City
More InfoAuthor: Roger S. Greenway
This book challenges the church to provide an effective, biblical urban apostolate. Vitally needed in our day, it conveys a sense of urgency, for never has it been more true that he who wins the city wins the world.
Chapter 3: Nehemiah: The Secret of Urban Renewal
“Paul: The Urban Strategist” in Apostles to the City
More InfoAuthor: Roger S. Greenway
This book challenges the church to provide an effective, biblical urban apostolate. Vitally needed in our day, it conveys a sense of urgency, for never has it been more true that he who wins the city wins the world.
Chapters 5 & 6: Paul: The Urban Strategist–His Message and Method
“The ‘Who'” and “Case Study: Multiethnic Community Church Plant” in Neighborhood Mapping
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“Win the City, Win the World”: The Urban Missiology of Roger S. Greenway
More InfoAuthor: Kevin Baggett
This dissertation examines the urban missiology of Roger S. Greenway. The thesis is the urban missiology of Greenway should inform the ministries of urban missiologists today. This dissertation answers four questions: How has Greenway’s life and theology shaped his urban missiology? What is Greenway’s urban church planting strategy? How has Greenway’s understanding of holistic ministry enhanced his church planting strategy? What role does theological education and urban training centers have in his urban missiology? If urban missiologists hope to avoid the mistakes of the past and lay a firm foundation for the future, they should seek to learn from the urban missiology of Roger S. Greenway. Chapter 1 emphasizes the importance of urban missions in a rapidly urbanizing world. The chapter also introduces the research questions and the urban missiological thought of Roger Greenway. A brief overview of Roger Greenway’s life and ministry is presented to demonstrate the importance of his work in relation to urban missiology. Chapter 2 contains a sketch of Roger Greenway’s life and theological beliefs. The chapter considers the effects of his Reformed theological background on his urban missiology. Greenway’s theology impacts every aspect of his urban missiology. Chapter 3 outlines Roger Greenway’s church planting strategy. The chapter examines how Greenway’s church planting strategy serves as the central piece of Greenway’s overall urban missiology. The influence of Donald McGavran is evident in Greenway’s urban church planting strategy. Chapter 4 explains Greenway’s understanding and application of holistic ministry. Greenway believes that word and deed ministries must be infused with one another in order to complete the mission of the church. Chapter 5 delves into Greenway’s theological education methodology and how he applied that methodology in the urban context. Greenway believed theological and missiological training should be contextualized into the urban context. Chapter 6 concludes with a summary of Greenway’s urban missiology. The chapter also offers ideas for further research. The dissertation closes by offering insights gleaned from Greenway’s urban missiology.
“One of the most culturally diverse cities in the UK”: Saskia Sassen on Manchester
More InfoAuthors: Saskia Sassen and Shoba Arun
Manchester is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the UK and has a long history of migration from different parts of the nation, mainland Europe and the rest of world.
A Biblical Ethic of Kinship for People On the Move
More InfoAuthor: Mark Glanville
The problem today is not that Christians have failed to listen to culture, but that the church all too often echoes the values of culture, and then reads Scripture selectively in the light of these values. It is vital to listen again to Scripture, allowing the Bible as a unified story that is fulfilled in the gospel of Christ to guide our discernment. This paper is written cognizant of the pressing realities of global displacement today and also of the various political sensitivities within host nations that demand thoughtful advocacy and cultural sensitivity. -
A Focus on Cities Takes Us Beyond Existing Governance Frameworks
More InfoAuthor: Sakia Sassen
Incorporating the urban scale into global-level environmental governance framings can take us beyond the limitations and distortions of a carbon trading regime. This in turn takes us beyond the kinds of nationalisms that carbon trading brings into negotiations. Among the key properties that distinguish cities as a site for environmental policymaking, and thereby as a source of policy innovations, are their multiple scales and diverse socio- physical ecologies.
Accra Global Business Cities 2025
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Addis Ababa Data Profile
More InfoAuthor: Radius Global Team
A City Data Profile simplifies complex data by visualizing information and insights in a way that is easy to understand and use for decision-making. Though far from exhaustive, each profile displays up-to-date statistical indicators providing key insights into the demographic and socio-cultural dynamics of a city.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Adelaide City Economic Forecast – December 2020
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