A Focus on Cities Takes Us Beyond Existing Governance Frameworks
Author: Sakia Sassen
Incorporating the urban scale into global-level environmental governance framings can take us beyond the limitations and distortions of a carbon trading regime. This in turn takes us beyond the kinds of nationalisms that carbon trading brings into negotiations. Among the key properties that distinguish cities as a site for environmental policymaking, and thereby as a source of policy innovations, are their multiple scales and diverse socio- physical ecologies.
Sassen, Saskia. “A Focus on Cities Takes Us Beyond Existing Governance Frameworks.” In The Quest for Security: Protection Without Protectionism and the Challenge of Global Governance, edited by Joseph Stiglitz and Mary Kaldor, 238–59. New York: Columbia University Press, 2013.
A Focus on Cities Takes Us Beyond Existing Governance Frameworks
Author: Sakia Sassen
Incorporating the urban scale into global-level environmental governance framings can take us beyond the limitations and distortions of a carbon trading regime. This in turn takes us beyond the kinds of nationalisms that carbon trading brings into negotiations. Among the key properties that distinguish cities as a site for environmental policymaking, and thereby as a source of policy innovations, are their multiple scales and diverse socio- physical ecologies.
Author: Saskia Sassen
Additional information
Saskia Sassen
Environment, Green cities, Urban governance
Columbia University Press
Book Chapter
Urban governance