The Impact of Rapid Urbanization on Women in Mainland China
Author: Lisa M. Hoff
Urban centers across the globe have become hubs of wealth creation and magnets for mass migration. Nowhere is this trend more pronounced than in the Global South where rapid urbanization is altering physical spaces, social values, and economic systems of entire peoples and nations.
Urban centers across the globe have become hubs of wealth creation and magnets for mass migration. Nowhere is this trend more pronounced than in the Global South where rapid urbanization is altering physical spaces, social values, and economic systems of entire peoples and nations.
Bibliographic reference: Hoff, Lisa M. “The Impact of Rapid Urbanization on Women in Mainland China.” Radius Global, 2015.
The Impact of Rapid Urbanization on Women in Mainland China
Author: Lisa M. Hoff
Urban centers across the globe have become hubs of wealth creation and magnets for mass migration. Nowhere is this trend more pronounced than in the Global South where rapid urbanization is altering physical spaces, social values, and economic systems of entire peoples and nations.
Author: Lisa M. Hoff
Urban centers across the globe have become hubs of wealth creation and magnets for mass migration. Nowhere is this trend more pronounced than in the Global South where rapid urbanization is altering physical spaces, social values, and economic systems of entire peoples and nations.
Bibliographic reference: Hoff, Lisa M. “The Impact of Rapid Urbanization on Women in Mainland China.” Radius Global, 2015.
Additional information
Lisa M. Hoff
Radius Global
Urbanization China
Cities in China, Culture Change, Gender and Cities, Urban Anthropology, Urbanization