Mission City Church Planting City to City Resourcing
1:28 – Tell us a little about yourself
3:30 – What is City to City?
6:40 – Where are doing well resourcing the global church?
9:15 – Can you give us an example of how resources developed in the West can be problematic globally?
10:42 – What does it look like to plant an indigenous church?
16:44 – How do even begin resourcing such global diversity?
19:35 – How does reproducibility happen when particularity is needed?
26:17 – What are a few examples of where you’ve been surprised?
31:52 – In your role, how do you find, encourage, equip resource development when you can’t be in those places?
37:15 – What resources would you recommend to listeners for engaging cities well?
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Redeemer City to City
Social Identity Complexity Theory
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Episode 17 – Global Challenges to Resourcing the Church
Are global cities all the same? We know the answer is a firm “no,” but then we often attempt to use the same templates and tools to train church planters in cities all around the world. Join us as we welcome Brandon J. O’Brien to the podcast. Brandon (Ph.D, TEDS) is the Senior Director of Content Development and Distribution for Redeemer City to City.
Time stamps
This episode was hosted by Michael Crane and produced by Radius Global Cities Network and Scott Slucher.