Mission City imb
1:37 – What are some trends you see happening?
4:10 – What kind fo impact does that have for us as we think about engaging the world with the gospel?
7:00 – How do people relate in cities?
7:50 – What are some of the potential strategic advantages that cities bring?
15:00 – Where in the Bible do we see cities as a paradigm?
20:35 – How can the urban/rural tension work?
28:51 – What are some gaps that you see of things that we need to be doing?
Episode 4 – A Watershed Moment
A watershed moment in human history is the migration of populations to global cities. John Brady has served as the VP of Global Engagement with the International Mission Board and has observed many shifts in missions history. Listen in as he discusses the impact of cities in the missions landscape.
Time stamps
This episode was hosted by Michael Crane and produced by Radius Global Cities Network and Scott Slucher.